The story of a 19th century Scots campaigner

This is a unique and fascinating tale about Mary MacPherson – known as Màiri Mhòr – Skye’s 19th century bard and political campaigner.

She made her name by vocalising the plight of crofters through
song writing and activism.

Her rage and despair at being falsely imprisoned in Inverness led to a poetic outpouring of songs, connecting her personal distress to that faced by evicted Highlanders.

The title, Love and Music Will Endure comes from an old Gaelic proverb, ‘When the world comes to an end, only love and music will endure’ , which is entirely approriate given she travelled across Scotland, singing and speaking at Land League meetings at a time when women were not supposed to be active in politics.

Macrae Shaw sheds light upon this little known yet influential Scot, whilst ensuring Skye plays a central role in the novel’s development.

Love and Music Will Endure: A Novel Based on the Life of Mairi Mhor nan Oran, by Liz Macrae Shaw, published by The Islands Book Trust, £8.99.

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