The First War of Independence in verse

De Moray a 2000 line epic poem, and when I say poem, I mean that it is written in rhyming couplets.

None of your contemporary poetry here.

There are two versions of the work, one in Scots and one in English.

It tells the tale of Sir Andrew De Moray during the first War of Scottish Independence.

Opening out with Clan Moray (now spelled Murray) heraldry and enigmas from the heavens and the deep, Celtic philosophy, pride in ancestry, laced with its heart for attachment, and soul for honour, the question of cultural and national identity expressed through the oral tradition in the light of the human family as whole is also explored.

We then enter the clan’s history, the rise of the wars of independence, following this great patriot through his Northern Rising, capture, escape, 2nd rising in the north, recapturing of his ancient family strongholds, and more.

This is a major achievement, a great read and the fascinating tale of a true Scottish hero.

De Moray, by Paraig Macneil, Kindle edition, £5.04.

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