Scotland’s Islands beautifully captured in print

Scotland’s incredible natural beauty is captured perfectly in the lavish Scotland’s Islands, which is so beautifully presented to the reader.

The photography of island enthusiast Allan Wright is stunning and shows off places we may have visited, and indeed many places that most of us won’t have seen, capturing the soul of each area and its own individuality.

Our country is known for its islands, and, helpfully, the book begins with a map, showing the exact location of each of the featured islands should you ever wish to venture there.

The preface by Wright and the introduction by Marianne Taylor perfectly set the tone for the tome, as their natural bubbling enthusiasm for their subject matter comes over strongly.

However, it’s the photographs which are the real selling point of the publication, capturing the wonders of nature, in all of its glory – the quality is wonderful, and you will find yourself staring at the images over and over again, finding new things each time.

It’s not just the coastlines which are highlighted, as we venture inside the cloisters of Iona Abbey.

A must have.

Scotland’s Islands, by Allan Wright and Marianne Taylor, published by Allan Wright Photographic, £16.99.

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