The foods we miss most when we’re behaving

Ice cream, chocolate and pizza are among the treats most likely to make fitness fanatics fall off the wagon, according to a study.

Researchers who polled 2,000 gym-goers identified the foods which cause us to stray from our healthy lifestyles – including chips, doughnuts and burgers.

We’re also tempted to put the dumbbells to one side when faced with the likes of cake, bread and Chinese takeaways.

Commissioned by supermarket Iceland, stockists of low-calorie ice cream, Halo Top, the research also found two thirds consider going without their favourite foods to be one of the hardest things about being healthy.

A spokesman for Iceland said: ‘As the research shows, being fit and healthy doesn’t mean the hankerings for bad foods go away.

‘So it’s completely understandable we will waiver from time to time.

‘And it’s typical the foods we most long for tend to be high calorie – however there are foods available which are low calorie and can fill that void.’

It also emerged Saturday is the day gym-goers find it hardest to stick to a sensible diet – and they’ll typically succumb to temptation at precisely 4.21pm.

But Tuesday is the day willpower is at its strongest and when those polled are most likely to resist indulgent foods.
Wine, beer and fizzy drinks also commonly cause those polled to fall off the healthy wagon – along with crisps, biscuits and sweets.

So in order to work off their food sins gym-goers believe they need to exercise a minimum of six times a month.
After indulging, 41 per cent will go out for a long walk, a fifth will go swimming and a quarter will go for a run in order to burn off the excess calories.

But four in 10 revealed the urge for ice cream and other treats is so strong they exercise just so they can eat whatever they want without fear for their waistlines.

However, the Iceland research carried out through OnePoll also found half would rather eat the frozen dessert than do a set of squats, lift weights or use a running machine.

The spokesman for Iceland added: ‘Halo Top is the best ice cream on the market right now, there is no compromise on taste or quality so it really is a dessert you can feel good about.’

Halo Top will be available for £3.50 at Iceland stores and online until 17 February.

The top 15 foods we miss most when working out:

1. Chocolate; 2. Pizza; 3. Biscuits; 4. Chips; 5. Crisps; 6. Cake; 7. Wine; 8. Beer; 9. Cheese; 10. Ice cream; 11. Sweets; 12. Burgers; 13. Doughnuts; 14. Bread; 15. Chinese takeaway.
