Scots firm inspires brewers of the world to unite

A total of 250 brewers from 24 countries will simultaneously release unique, small-batch beers to bring clean water to developing countries – and it’s all because of Scottish craft beer brand Brewgooder.

The Scottish social enterprise on a mission to bring clean drinking water to one million people in developing countries has launched its biggest campaign yet, the Global Gathering, which will take place one month from today, on World Water Day (March 20-22).

The collaborative project has received backing from brewers in 173 cities in 24 different countries – from Vancouver to Vietnam.

Each Global Gathering brew will raise more than £500 towards a fundraising target of £250,000 for the overall campaign. All proceeds will be donated to The Brewgooder Foundation and spent on its clean water projects in 2020/21.

Alan Mahon, Brewgooder’s founder, said: ‘The Global Gathering shows what the craft beer community is capable of when we collaborate and use our shared passion to make a positive impact. It’s the beginning of a worldwide movement. By working together, we will help empower 100,000 people by giving them clean water, something the rest of us take for granted.

‘To have 250 brewers from across the world get behind our mission is incredible, I can’t thank them enough. They will not only make people happy with their amazing beers but also impact lives around the world.

‘There are far too many people in developing countries who have their ambitions, dreams and potential limited by lack of access to a safe source of water. By providing clean, accessible water, we can help kids grow up healthier, stay in school longer and build better lives.’

Previously, Brewgooder has worked with BrewDog (who will also be releasing a special beer for World Water Day) on their flagship clean water lager, with 100% of profits going to support over 130 projects in Malawi.

These projects include well rehabilitations, new borehole construction, sanitation systems and water mapping to ensure the long-term sustainability of well constructions. Through the BrewgooderFoundation, the projects have already positively impacted 65,000 lives and counting.

Mo Syed, chief disruption officer at award-winning Welsh brewery Tiny Rebel, said: ‘The reputation of Brewgooder and what they stand for is awe-inspiring. The minute Alan called we jumped at the chance to support them and be part of this amazing collaboration. 250 worldwide collaborations – what a way to make a splash.’

The packaging design for each collaborative beer will be inspired by the theme ‘water’ and designed by each individual brewery using Brewgooder’s two distinct colours – orange to represent beer and blue to represent water. Once brewed, every beer will be released simultaneously at participating venues on the weekend of 20-22nd March, to mark World Water Day.

Brewers will contribute a song inspired by their local area to a Spotify playlist for the weekend, which will represent the diverse range of companies involved in the project and show the variety of communities involved in making a difference.

To find out more and join the movement, visit
