You’ll love this twist on an old favourite with mojito snaps

Scottish Field’s recipes with a difference from Scot Jill Colonna in Paris continue with a sweet treat.

Jill, who runs the website, lives with her husband and family in France, having moved across the channel in 1992.

Today, she presents her recipe for Mojito Snaps – a twist on brandy or ginger snaps.

Jill said: ‘The other day I was flicking through Classic British Bakes in my old edition of the Be-Ro Flour Home Recipes and stopped at Ginger Snaps. Do you remember these? We remember them as Brandy Snaps.

‘Suddenly a waft of nostalgia hit, as I recalled my parents going crazy for Brandy Snaps when they’d see them stacked up at one of our favourite bakeries in Edinburgh when I was little.

‘These little fragile caramel-like rolled tubes were simply divine and with their oozing filling of whipped cream, you can just imagine why they’re called snaps. They’d snap into the most messiest of delicious pieces, cream getting everywhere. It just wasn’t possible to eat one – and without messy fingers, either.

‘So I decided to go a bit retro and, inspired by a “green” theme for Saint Patrick’s Day – although nothing Irish about them – I thought about mint and lime, then a splash of rum came to mind.

‘Put them together and what have you got? A Mojito! So, instead of Brandy Snaps, let’s call them Rum Snaps – or Mojito Snaps! Strictly for the adults only.

‘Even better, make them for your Mum for Mother’s Day or Dad on Father’s Day. They’ll adore that delicious touch of nostalgia.’
