‘Yotties’ lead the way in Britannia’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
In this the year of Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Royal Yacht Britannia is hosting a very special week on board.
The teak decks will be bustling with the padding plimsoles of 65 former Royal Yachtsmen who are returning to their duties on Britannia once again.
From 30 May – 3 June, visitors to Britannia will have an unforgettable opportunity to meet the former crew of the world’s most famous ship and discover what made Britannia so special to all who knew her. The Royal Yacht Britannia was home to The Queen and the Royal Family for over 40 years and is now permanently berthed in Leith, Edinburgh.
Working alongside the current Maintenance Team, the Royal Yachtsmen, or ‘Yotties’ as they are known, help with the conservation of the 69-year-old Yacht, as well as sharing their first-hand experiences of life on board as Britannia travelled over one million miles around the world.
From helping maintain the Royal Barge and cooking ‘Pusser’s Grub’ in the original Royal Galleys, to sanding deck boards and touching up paint work – the Chefs, Engineers, Seamen and Butlers slip easily back into their former duties.

The Royal Yachtsmen or ‘Yotties’, as they are affectionately known, pictured here in 2016, will don their white overalls and return to Britannia to mark The Queen’s 70 year reign (Photo: Tony Marsh)
As well as all the hard work, there will also be time for reviving some of Britannia’s traditions, including a morning hymn and the historic daily rum ceremony at 4pm. While in Royal Service, 220 crew lived and worked on board and their orders were nothing less than to ‘strive for daily perfection’
Chief Executive, Bob Downie, thoroughly enjoys the buzz and camaraderie that the Yotties bring to Britannia during their time here, and said: ‘The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is a perfect time for the Yotties to return to Britannia. It’s lovely to hear their stories of life on board.’
Platinum Jubilee celebrations on Britannia will also include the following:
• A special ‘Platinum Jubilee Private Tour’ in celebration of Her Majesty The Queen
• Celebratory dishes and cocktails in our Royal Deck Tea Room
• The Royal Collection’s Official Platinum Jubilee China will be available in our Gift Shop
• Musical entertainment for visitors in The State Apartments on June 2
• A city-wide Corgi Treasure Hunt
Exclusive visits are also available. For details visit www.royalyachtbritannia.co.uk.