Watch our experts try their latest 60 Second Dram

Our whisky experts Blair Bowman and James Robertson are tested once again, in our latest 60 Second Dram.

James and Blair are two of Scotland’s most in the know men when it comes to whisky, and again, we’re putting their palates and noses to the test.

Each week, we give them a dram to sample, which they nose and taste – but there’s a twist. It’s very easy to have preconceptions when you see the label on a bottle of whisky, and have your own expectations of what it’s going to taste like, before the first sip even touches your lips.

So the pair won’t know what it is until the end, when they do their grand reveal.

These videos are recorded as live, and the pair’s reactions are genuine.

Watch our latest episode here to find out their thoughts on the newest mystery dram put to the test.

Watch episode one HERE.

Watch episode two HERE.

Watch episode three HERE.
