Ready for the second Great Borders River Clean

Towns and villages across the Borders region will take part in the second Great Borders River Clean next weekend.

The first event, held in October saw more than twenty communities come together to clear 1.85 tons of rubbish from rivers and waterways.

A total of 304 people took part and the event’s organiser, St Mary’s School Tom Rawson, is hoping for an even bigger turnout on the weekend of Saturday 29 February and Sunday 1 March.

Tom said: ‘I have been blown away by the response to this event. There is something about rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck in to solve a common problem that has captured peoples’ imaginations.

‘It’s easy to see plastic pollution as never-ending but it can be solved if enough people see the effects and are willing to do something about it. This is something that young people, in particular, understand.

‘I have been delighted to see schools, Scout groups, sports teams and community groups across the Borders engaging with this event. This is something that has been actively encourage by St Mary’s School, Melrose and I am fortunate to have time allocated to the organisation of this growing event.’

With more than 30 towns and villages due to take part, Scottish Borders Council have also supported the event with a grant of much-needed litter grabbers. This Great Borders River Clean will also include a mountain biking trail clean.

Tom explained: ‘I am keen to engage with anyone and everyone who enjoys being outside and who wants to help preserve and improve his or her natural environment. The Borders is a mountain biking paradise and so I am seeking to get that community actively involved with a joint river and trail clean at Innerleithen.’

Tom can be contacted via his Facebook page, his Instagram account or email
