
HRH The Queen bestows a Royal Warrant on Highland tailor, Campbell’s of Beauly

One of the oldest and most established tailoring specialists in the Highlands, Campbell’s of Beauly, have been granted the Royal Warrant for the supply of tailored goods to Her Majesty the Queen. The workshop in Beauly has for many years been making suits for the Balmoral Estate and has held two previous Royal Warrants since the 1960’s for both the late HRH The Prince of Wales (later The Duke of Windsor) and HRH Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother. Campbell’s was acquired by the grantee, Mr James Sugden OBE’s son and daughter in law, John and Nicola Sugden, in 2013 from the Campbell family.


As well as a thriving tailoring workshop the business boasts a unique retail emporium specialising in knitwear and tweed garments, many of which are made in Scotland and the UK.

John Sugden, director, said ‘Nicola and I are absolutely delighted for all the team here at Campbell’s as this is such a wonderful reward for all their hard work and attention to detail. Many of the team have worked here for over 20 years and this is the perfect recognition for their dedication and loyalty. The first people we shared the news with were the Campbell family and Tom Owen our head cutter for over 40 years who were all delighted.’

From left to right: Nicola Sugden, James Sugden and John Sugden

James Sugden OBE is the named ‘Grantee’ of The Royal Warrant to HM The Queen for Campbell’s of Beauly, which was established in 1858. Campbell’s of Beauly is an iconic privately owned, family run country tailor and outfitters. Situated in the picturesque village of Beauly, 10 miles west of Inverness, Campbell’s is a thriving retail business as well as busy tailoring workshop. The business changed hands in 2015, and John & Nicola Sugden have taken over the reins, but their outlook remains reassuringly sympathetic to those who love this “Highland gem” of a store. Maintaining the charming character of the retail store is as important to them as it is to Campbell’s many loyal followers. In an age where in the “rag trade” the all important history and heritage can be easily forged, Campbell’s has no need or desire to overly hype it’s provenance. Employing two full time tailors and six seamstresses in their tailoring department, all Campbell’s bespoke garments are made on site and the Campbell’s name is synonymous with quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. Campbell’s specialise in sporting tweeds and Highland dress, tailoring for many of the Scottish grouse moors as well as further afield in Yorkshire

For further contact and information visit www.campbellsofbeauly.com / 01463 782 834 / 07902 180 668