Fringe: A Brexit comedy as funny as Brexit itself

Lolly Jones: I Believe in Merkels was advertised as comedy with niche burlesque. It was neither.

The show consists of a series of TV news reports projected overhead on a screen of EU politicians and their commentary during the May years as Prime Minister.

Between these Lolly Jones provides a hackneyed commentary as repeated and stale as Brexit itself. To take on this subject so many years on from the vote you either have to have something new to say or be fantastically funny – neither applied here.

Not satisfied with just the commentary she raided a child’s dressing up box and oddly looked nothing like the politician she was aping. It got worse, rather like an ‘edgy’ political comic using the ‘F’ and ‘C’ word to cover for the paucity of the script. Here we were entertained by two scantily dressed dancers.

Inexplicably and for no additional value to the show they would appear and cavort in a cameo of burlesque.

These poor two artists, all those years at dance or drama school for this – they must be cursing all that hard work and possibly their career choice. At the end I found myself clapping with great enthusiasm, not for the show but sheer relief it was over.

Lolly Jones: I Believe in Merkels, Downstairs, 2 Roxburgh Place, Assembly , 8pm

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