
Questions on Scotland are given answers

Q What is the deepest loch in Scotland?

A Loch Morar is located in the North West Highlands of Scotland in Lochaber. It has a depth of approximately 310 metres (1,017 feet), making it the deepest body of freshwater in Britain and the third deepest in Europe. Loch Morar is also the fifth-largest loch in Scotland with a surface area of 26.7km2 (10.3 sq mi).

Q What are ‘louns’ and ‘quines’?

A ‘Louns’ and ‘quines’ are boys and girls in the Doric dialect, a very specific dialect spoken in north-eastern Scotland. In Disney/Pixar’s Brave, the character Young MacGuffin speaks the Doric dialect, and a
running joke involves no one else understanding him. This was a choice by the voice actor, Kevin McKidd, a native of Elgin.

Q Which ancient settlement is known as ‘Scottish Pompeii’?

A Located on the Bay of Skaill in the Orkney archipelago, Skara Brae is a stone-built Neolithic settlement dating back to about 3200 B.C., which means it is older than Stonehenge or the Egyptian pyramids. It has been called the ‘Scottish Pompeii’ because of its excellent preservation.

Q How many NHL (National Hockey League) players have been Scottish?

A There have been 21 Scots who have played for the NHL. Gordie Clark was the last Scottish player. He was on the Boston Bruins team from 1974 to 1976.

Q What is haggis hurling?

A Haggis hurling is an unusual Scottish sport that involves hurling a haggis as far as possible for distance and accuracy. The haggis must be cooked and a certain weight, which changes for male and female contestants. After the haggis has been inspected to make sure it has not been contaminated with any firming substances, and has been prepared according to the traditional recipe, the haggis hurler must stand elevated, usually they go on a whisky barrel, and throw the haggis.

Q What is the only film with ‘Scotland’ in its title to win an Oscar?

A The film The Last King of Scotland won an Academy Award in 2007 for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role, which was given to Forest Whitaker who portrayed the character of Idi Admin. This film was based on fictional events of the cruel Ugandan dictator Idi Amin’s regime who is seen by a Scottish physician (James McAvoy), set during the 1970s. It was also nominated as Best British Independent Film in 2006.

Q What bird species almost became extinct and was reintroduced in Scotland?

A Red Kites are beautiful birds of prey with their reddish-brown body, angled wings and deeply forked tail. They suffered from severe human
persecution until the mid-1950s, but especially from 1850 to 1900. This resulted in the species becoming extinct in numerous countries. They were saved from national extinction by one of the world’s longest-running protection programmes, RSPB, and have now been successfully reintroduced in Scotland and England.

Q Where is the Morag monster said to reside?

A The Loch Ness monster is not the only legendary creature allegedly living in Scotland. Hiding deep in waters of Loch Morar in Scottish Highlands, the Morag monster is another mythical beast. Reported sightings date back to 1887 and included 34 incidents by 1981, with groups of witnesses reporting seeing a large snake-like creature about 30 feet long.