What will the experts make of our first 60 Second Dram?

Here at Scottish Field and Cask & Still, we love our whisky. We know that our readers do too.

We’re always hearing so many things about the new expressions that are being released on what seems like a daily basis, and, let’s be honest, we’re all rather curious to know what they actually taste like.

So, what better way to find out than by asking two of Scotland’s most in the know men in the whisky field, Blair Bowman and James Robertson, to give us their thoughts?

However, there’s a twist. It’s very easy to be prejudiced when you see a label, and have your own expectations of what’s coming as soon as the first sip touches your lips.

That’s why we’ve created 60 Second Dram.

Editor Richard Bath explained: ‘Whisky is a large part of Scottish Field and Cask & Still. We enjoy it, and we know our readers do too.

‘We’ve decided to have a bit of fun, so we created 60 Second Dram. We’ve sat James and Blair down and given them a whisky to sample. The twist is, they don’t know actually what it is. We’ve hidden the bottle from them.

‘What you’re getting in these videos is an authentic blind testing session – they genuinely don’t know what’s coming, and we’ve recorded their reactions to it, as well as the grand unveil at the end.

‘Too often, whisky can be seen as rather worthy and we thought it was time to bring back some fun. Our timed format gives Blair and James a minute to share their thoughts, before they find out what they’ve just tried.’

Read more whisky news from Scottish Field here.
