Another fantastic fish recipe to try at home

Jim Cowie, from the Captain’s Galley seafood restaurant in Scrabster, shares another recipe with Scottish Field.

Jim and his wife, Mary, converted the former Scrabster ice house and salmon bothy – which date back to the 1840s – and opened the Captain’s Galley in 2002.

The restaurant has gone on to win a plethora of plaudits and has attracted diners from as far a field as Germany and the US.

A champion of fresh seafood, his mission is already proving successful.

Next door to the restaurant is Jim’s fish and chip kiosk, which serves up unusual species.

‘Mary and I had wanted to open a fish and chip shop at the harbour for years but we had been put off by the idea of having to build a new shop,’ says Jim.

‘Andrew Fairlie was up visiting the restaurant and he suggested opening a kiosk, which is what we did about two years ago. We now get people coming to the kiosk and asking for tusk and chips.’

The Captain’s Galley, The Harbour, Scrabster, KW14 7UJ. Tel: 01847 894999.

For more details visit

(This feature was originally published in 2015)
