A tasty tuna with remoulade parmesan tart recipe

Didier Dejean, the former owner of the Silver Darling restaurant at Aberdeen harbour, is a true lover of fish.

He opened his seafood restaurant The Silver Darling in 1986.

After catering school and a stint in a local restaurant, Didier worked in Paris before following a colleague to Aberdeen.

‘The first time I came to Aberdeen was 1978. I must have been 19. I stayed a few months, then went back to France and did my national service in the Navy. I came back to Aberdeen in 1984 and I have been here since.

‘The fish market was pretty busy. I thought there was an opportunity to open a seafood restaurant. Then you couldn’t get mussels – people didn’t like them, or oysters or monkfish. I remember the fishermen used to throw the monkfish back in the sea.’

(This recipe was originally published in 2016. Didier has since sold the Silver Darling)
