The Benedetti Foundation’s Virtual Sessions return with the Global Violin Sessions: A Cultural Exchange Part 2.
Running between 18 April – 8 May, the Sessions will be a tale of discovery, globalism and cultural exchange as the Benedetti Foundation continues its trip around the world through the eyes of the violin.
The Sessions will take place across three weekends and each week will visit a different tradition. The Sessions will feature guest artists who will lead each tradition including Aly Bain, Phil Cunningham and Jenna Reid (Scotland); The Ayoub Sisters (Egypt), Timothy Chooi and Laure Chan (East Meets West).
Technique, sound, rhythm and melody will be taught and explored, but these sessions have a deeper story to tell too and will also embrace similarities whilst celebrating differences and holding duality in both hearts and minds.
This year’s tune, written by accordionist Phil Cunningham, will be given its first outing played by Nicola Benedetti. It will then be passed round the musicians over three weeks. Each violinist along with musical friends will make it their own. They will change rhythms, twist notes, rewrite corners, add instrumentation and colours and effects – and along the way, teach and explain how they do it. Participants will then choose as many versions of the tune as they wish to record and send in their performance. These videos will then be weaved together to create a final performance which will be premiered on Sunday 22 May.
Scotland – Week One: 23 and 24 April.
Aly Bain and Jenna Reid – fiddle; Phil Cunningham – accordion.
Egypt – Week Two: 30 April and 1 May.
The Ayoub Sisters – violin and cello
East Meets West – Week Three: 7 and 8 May.
Laure Chan and Timothy Chooi – violin.
Nicola Benedetti said: ‘I am really excited that our guest artists will teach the participants the nuances and techniques of their tradition. They will delve deep inside their worlds, and participants will not only learn about how to play in their style, but also learn about why they sound the way they do and make the choices they make. We can’t wait and hope you will join us.’

Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham
Over three weekends the Foundation will work live with participants of all ages and stages, and from all over the world, to prepare the repertoire. A weekly tutorial will be released before the live weekend to support participants’ learning of the new repertoire.
Explore & Discover on Saturday’s is open to all and will offer the opportunity to Meet the Artists, take part in Q&As, learn more about the violin traditions and performance sessions.
Prepare and Perform on Sundays is focused on violinists of all ages and stages. Tutorial sessions on the new arrangements will be led by the guest artists and Foundation Tutors Rachel Cooper, Alex Laing and Andrea Gajic.
Final Performance: 22 May
The Benedetti Foundation will produce a series of small compositions based on the folk traditions of Scotland, Egypt and the Far East. The final film will bring these tunes together and take a visual and aural journey around these cultures through the eyes of the violin. All registered participants will be able to send in a video to be included in the final film. The final performance will premiere on YouTube and Facebook on Sunday 22 May.
To get involved, sign up HERE.
There is a registration fee of £25 to cover the costs of delivering the sessions. Full bursaries are available to all and no will be prevented from attending due to financial circumstances.
Music is no answer to the horrendous situation in Ukraine, but the Foundation will do what they can to raise money for the millions who are displaced and in need. During these Sessions, they will invite anyone who would like to make an additional donation, to consider donating to support those who have been affected by the current conflicts in our world. Make a donation to the Disasters Emergency Committee HERE.
All sessions will be available to watch on catch up for those in different time zones and unable to join live. The Global Violin Sessions will all be delivered in English.
All live sessions for young people take place on Zoom; Beginner and Intermediate level adults will join the Live Stream; Advanced Adults will join via Zoom. To ensure participants have the information ahead of the first live weekend on 23-24 April, register by the end of the day on 21 April. Registration will remain open throughout and attendees may join in at any time.