Why the Scots enjoy meeting their neighbours

Neighbours – everybody needs good neighbours, according to the TV, and that’s definitely true in Scotland.

New research from People’s Postcode Lottery reveals that over 50% of Scots want to build real-life relationships with their neighbours.
53.5% of Scots always make an effort to speak to their neighbours – ahead of the British average of 50%.

The study challenges the common stereotype that young people, and those in temporary, rented accommodation, are less likely to befriend their neighbours and engage with them face to face.

It shows that 74.6% of Scots interact more with their neighbours in real life than online, while just 33.1% are part of community social media groups – the lowest of all UK regions.

But what’s getting neighbours talking? Going on holiday was the most likely topic to get people chatting, with 68.4% of Scots aying they’d inform their neighbours if they were going away, either digitally or in real life.

And 20% of Scots would talk to their neighbour more if they had a dog.

The survey showed that Scots overall are the least confrontational region in the UK.

Almost a quarter of Scots wouldn’t confront their neighbour if they had parked across their drive/in their car parking space (24.5%), 29% wouldn’t speak to their neighbour if their rubbish bin had been stolen, but 45.2% would knock and ask face to face to borrow household groceries such as sugar and milk.