School of Furniture appoints a new principal

One of the UK’s leading furniture design schools, The Chippendale International School of Furniture, has announced the appointment of Tom Fraser as its new principal.

Former deputy principal at the Chippendale School, based in Gifford, East Lothian, Tom takes over from his father, Anselm Fraser, who founded the school in 1985.

The school has established an international reputation as one of the world’s best woodworking schools since it opened 35 years ago. Over 500 students from across 30 countries have been supported through its learning programmes which offer a blend of traditional and modern woodworking, all intending to help students to establish careers in the furniture-making industry.

Tom said: ‘I am both honoured and excited by the opportunity to lead our school into a new era. As the only school of its kind, we have been putting Scotland on the map as the principal destination for woodworking as a career.

‘Backed by a proven track record of successful graduates and the wealth of outstanding natural resources on our doorstep, we provide a credible alternative to traditional university routes and a new path for those changing career or seeking new skills in retirement.’

The furniture design school is a not-for-profit organisation that reinvests all revenues back into the school – its curriculum, teaching staff and facilities.

Its Professional Course provides a comprehensive grounding in all aspects of furniture design and takes place over 30 weeks. It has been designed to provide students with every skill necessary to begin a successful career in furniture design.

Current students include young people choosing an alternative path to college or university, career changers and retirees seeking to develop a new career in retirement. The school also offers a variety of short courses for DIY and craft enthusiasts.

Further information about the school can be found at

