World’s only psychic duck plays its part in Fringe

A show about wonderful women, strange encounters and a fairground mystery that occurred on the Welsh coast many moons ago… all told with the aid of the world’s only psychic duck!

Ada Campe has been performing her unique and exciting blend of comedy, variety, magic and shouting at various comedy and cabaret nights across the UK.

She came top of the bill at this year’s prestigious New Act of the Year Show and was named Funny Women Top Ten Best Shows last year. She has also featured in two recent books about women in comedy; What The Frock! Book of Funny Women (2015) and Stand Up & Sock it to Them Sister (2016).

Created by researcher and performer Dr Naomi Paxton, she is an expert on the contribution of theatre professionals to the Votes for Women campaign and the performative propaganda of the suffrage moment.

She is one of the AHRC/BBC Radio 3 New Generation Thinkers (2014-15) and speaks regularly about her research at public events and in the media, including at the National Theatre, Barbican Cinema, Bristol Old Vic, Latitude Festival, Hay Festival and on various BBC Radio programmes. In January 2018 she curated an exhibition in Parliament entitled What Difference Did the War Make? World War One and Votes for Women as part of the UK Parliament Vote 100 project.

She has two edited collections of suffrage plays with Bloomsbury (2013 and 2018), and her book Stage Rights! The Actresses’ Franchise League, Activism and Politics 1908-1958 was published by Manchester University Press in May 2018.  Naomi is also an associate artist of feminist production hub Scary Little Girls.

Previously a professional actor, Naomi also has experience in applied theatre practice and research. She spent five consecutive summers in Romania working in state run orphanages for special needs adolescents, developing a drama workshop programme that used puppetry to facilitate communication and creative work with non-verbal participants.

· Venue: Studio – The Stand’s New Town Theatre, Freemason’s Hall, 96 George St, EH2 3DH

· Time: 2.50pm

· Dates and prices: UNtil Sun 26 August (not 14th) at £9-£7

· Tickets: 0131 558 9005 /

· Age restriction: 16+
