Fringe: Their talent won’t come Out of the Blue

It is not without a pinch of envy that I watched Out of the Blue, all of the singers are at Oxford, young, fit, enjoying performing, and… oh, I didn’t mention they can all sing well, very well.

Out of the Blue is an a cappella troupe. The show opens with the troupe dressed in a snappy but convention blue suit and tie. The auditorium is then blasted with The Sound of Music re-arranged in total a cappella harmony.

The show has more talent to reveal. There is a mesmerising solo B Box session, made all the more incongruous from someone dressed in a blue suit and tie rather than grunge street wear.

Throughout the performances the songs are enhanced by the B Box additions. The noises that human being can make are quite beyond a mere mortals vocal cords. Each individual performance is pitch perfect and when they combine as a whole troupe it’s a wonderful noise of bass to soprano in perfect unison.

Out of the Blue have been going since 2000 and from what I have read have yet to let down their audience. They didn’t this time either. Average age of the audience? Well it’s a range really, babe in arms up to those turning down their hearing aids a notch.

For many in the audience this is an annual event, a Festival ritual, like turkey and stuffing at Christmas.
For those new to the show the feet were tapping, one, in her late 60s was having nothing to do with audience etiquette, she was up and dancing, she was loving it.

If you feel grumpy go see this to change your mood, if you’re happy go see this show to become even more happy. Great fun.

Out of the Blue, Gordon Aikman Theatre, George Square, Assembly, 3pm

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