Fringe: one-hour comedy show is a perfect night with Friends

We all know how overwhelming it can be looking for a Fringe show that ticks all the right boxes. Thankfully though, there’s one failsafe way of testing how much you’ll enjoy this one.

Reading the lyrics, ‘So no one told you life was gonna be this way’, what’s your immediate reaction?

If it’s anything other than four enthusiastic claps in a row, you can probably stop reading now. For the rest of you, Brendan Murphy’s comedy show Friend is going to be right up your street.

Friend is a one-man comedy show that takes you through all ten seasons and 236 episodes of Friends in under one hour.

Seen through the eyes of Gunther – the character forever bound to the side-lines of the American sitcom – we’re told how he laments his unrequited love for Rachel, and he tells of his experiences outside the inner circle of trust.

Before the show even begins, Brendan takes the time to wander around the audience, chatting with guests in character, establishing a laid back approach to the evening. As soon as the phone rings on the makeshift Central Perks set, he springs into action with an incredibly energetic performance that captures everyone’s attention.

The fact that Brendan manages to squeeze so many iconic Friends moments into his one hour on stage is quite remarkable. It is a highly interactive show that is littered with catchphrases, so will only appeal to the die-hard fans of Friends.

That said, for those who know each episode word-perfect, there are a lot of laughs to be had throughout this sprightly performance. Much to my own delight, Brendan even manages to incorporate an ode to Chandler ‘pivot’ moment into his sketch!

This is a family-friendly evening that is the perfect way of whiling away a relaxed hour with a cup of tea.

To find out more about Friend or to buy tickets, visit the Fringe website.

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