Fringe dance party for a divided nation

Fresh from making waves at the Edinburgh Fringe with their production of Seagulls in a flooded church, Welsh tour de force Volcano Theatre return to the festival with the world premiere of The Populars – a dance party for a divided nation.

Conceived and developed in the year following Britain’s decision to leave the EU, The Populars is an energetic, vibrant response to uncertain times and intensified national feelings, which attempts to make sense of the heightened political atmosphere by inviting us to imagine different ways of being together.

The Populars are four ordinary young people who are looking to the future and wondering how it will feel when we get there. They have questions for you, things on their minds, and a playlist of great songs – from Chet Baker to Right Said Fred- that tug at the memory and the muscle fibres.

Tell them what you think of the atmosphere, where you last danced your heart out, and who you reckon is the coolest. Learn to do the Reverse Croissant. Expect sweat, sequins, and a playfully upbeat take on what unites or divides us in these uncertain times.

Conceived and directed by Paul Davies, The Populars features Roanna Lewis, Neal McWilliams, Elin Phillips and Rick Yale.

Dates: 31 July – 25 Aug. Not 1, 12 & 19 Aug. Previews 31 July and 2 August

Venue: The Library Gallery, Summerhall

Times: 9.20pm. Running time 1hr.
