Make sure you catch the final episode of Fish Town

The second series of the TV documentary looking at Scotland’s fishing industry comes to an end tonight.

In the final episode of Fish Town, Peterhead boat Westro travels to fishing grounds in the North Sea searching for a bounty of prawns. After an average first haul skipper James West decides to take a gamble and move fishing grounds.

During the trip, James’s younger brother and apprentice Stephen West celebrates his twentieth birthday and officially receives his skipper’s licence. This is the last time the brothers will work side by side so James takes the opportunity to give Stephen a final few lessons and a chance to manage a haul himself.

In the Moray Firth another pair of brothers, Michael and Brian Watt, are also at sea, sailing their boat, Sardonyx.

Fishing close to shore comes with its risks and the boat is soon snagged on the sea bed, listing heavily. Michael must just try to free the boat slowly or risk losing the net or even worse, capsizing. Eventually the boat comes free and they can fish on.

Elsewhere in Peterhead part timer Arthur James McKenzie is following in his grandfather’s footsteps fishing for lobsters just fifty metres from shore. This trip is more about pride than profits as he searches for a prized lobster worthy of his family legacy. Fish Town is a Firecrest Films series for BBC One Scotland.

Episode of Fish Town will be shown on Monday, 24 February, on BBC One Scotland, from 7.30–8pm.
