


These cocktails are well-heeled in the city

To mark September fashion month, one of Glasgow’s most iconic hotels is offering well-heeled guests the chance to indulge in a range of new cocktails...
One of Amy's designs, printed on a napkin

A passion for fabric and love of India led to The Block Hut

Having worked in the fabric industry and fallen in love with India, Perthshire's Amy McPhail has managed to combine the two for her new business...

The controversial question of Oxfords v Brogues

Wearing brogues in town... is it a cardinal sin? Archie Hume of A Hume Country Clothing tackles the thorny question of footwear etiquette. Recently, on...
The Collingwood-Norris Mist Blanket scarf

Woolly thinking led Flora into a career in fashion

Having become hooked on knitting at a young age, Flora Collingwood-Norris has turned her passion into a business. Based in the textile and knitwear heartland...
Dr Stacey Hunter (design curator) and Susan McKay (commercial director at Glasgow Chamber of Commerce) at the Local Heroes launch

They’ve got designs on glory during Glasgow event

A new exhibition and shop created to coincide with the European Championships is set to open this weekend. Made In Glasgow by Local Heroes  is...
The Olivia Jacket, from Olivia Tullett

Award-winning ladies’ shooting jacket ready to pre-order

An elegant, luxurious award-winning jacket is now available to pre-order. Olivia Tullett founded her luxury clothing label OJT Designs in 2011, following a thorough education...