Helping horses is the perfect job for happy Helene

Helene Mauchlen has her dream job as the British Horse Society’s manager for Scotland.

‘It brings together my liking of people and stories with my lifelong commitment to helping horses,’ she admits.

Helene’s enthusiasm and tenacity have certainly paid off: since she took up the BHS Scotland reins 19 years ago, its membership and influence have grown.

Growing up near Duns, Helene’s love of horses came from her mum, who put her on a horse as soon as she could walk.

Early riding included Duns Reiver’s Week every July, and Berwickshire Hunt and Pony Club events.

But this was no privileged upbringing: Helene recalls using binder twine instead of stirrup leathers and wearing her brother’s kilt jacket to attend a Pony Club rally.

‘I went on to compete in teamchasing, eventing and hunting, complete my AI and work at the National Equestrian Centre,’ she says.

‘But it was those early years of riding the Borders Marches that instilled in me a love of horses.’

Pictures by Angus Blackburn.

Read the full story in the latest issue of EQY Magazine, which comes with the July 2018 edition of Scottish Field.

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