Strathallan pupil Dan debates for Scotland

Strathallan School student Dan De Luca, who started debating a year ago, represented Scotland in his first ever international debating tournament.

The 17-year-old from Crieff was awarded the highest individual score for a debate out of the 138 participants attending the prestigious Vilnius Open 2022.

Dan, who was selected to the Scottish debating team in December, discussed four motions during the event covering topics from feminism, international aid and democracy.

He said: ‘It felt amazing to represent Scotland at Vilnius. If you had told me a year ago I would be debating for Scotland I wouldn’t have believed you. I’m excited to see where debating can take me.’

Louis Dunn, director of international study and debating at Strathallan, said: ‘Dan has been a real powerhouse in debating, driving himself and his peers to success both nationally and, now internationally. he truly leads by example and this will, I am sure, inspire many to follow in his footsteps.’

Looking forward, Dan hopes to go on to participate in more debates and study Economics at University.

Those interested in finding out more about Strathallan can do so first-hand when the school opens its doors on Saturday 23April.

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