The May issue of Scottish Field is in the shops now

The May issue of Scottish Field is out now, priced £4.25.  Have you got yours yet?

This month, we profile charismatic Trainspotting and Star Wars star Ewan McGregor, looking at the stellar rise of his career, to become the first major Scottish screen star since Sean Connery.

Our area feature this month takes us to Dumfries and Galloway, as Morag Bootland learns how the beautiful rolling hills in the south of Scotland have inspired so many artists. We also visit Scotland’s Book Town, in Wigtown, which is this year celebrating its 20th birthday.

Our famous picture special this month looks at the winners of this year’s Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year competition.

Crystal Chesters charts the career of avant-garde Scottish filmmaker Margaret Tate, while Alexander McCall Smith’s latest column for Scottish Field looks at the issue of erecting statues.

Our wildlife writer Polly Pullar looks at Scotland’s otter population, while columnist Guy Grieve explains how the inclement weather affects Scottish business and morale.

We also talk to the queen of the ‘Aga Saga’, Rosamunde Pilcher, and Antoinette Galbraith visits the yin-yang inspired garden of the Green House at Eskhill in East Lothian.

There’s all this, and much more – including the best Scottish interiors, antiques, properties and pick up your copy today.
