Silent Sleuth by Dan Miller
Silent Sleuth by Dan Miller

New Dan Miller art exhibition opens its doors at SWG3

Multi-discipline arts venue SWG3 will present a new series of paintings by Glasgow-based artist Dan Miller.

A new exhibition displaying the paintings of Glasgow artist Dan Miller opens tomorrow (Friday 8 November).

As part of the venue’s winter arts programme, the exhibition will run from November 8-30 and will feature entirely new work. Miller, who has exhibited in New York, London and Copenhagen, is a former resident of SWG3.

Meryl Gilbert, SWG3’s commercial manager, said: ‘We are thrilled to present this brand new exhibition. Dan is a long-standing friend of SWG3 – he was a resident when we created our first wave of studios back in 2006, so it’s exciting to welcome him back as an established artist.’

As an artist, Miller’s practice moves fluidly through a wide range of media to create works that investigate the territories of ratio, repetition and scale. Historiographical research and rigorous process support an investigation into the underlying properties of visual and physical material.

Silent Sleuth by Dan Miller

The resulting works are manipulated through strict method and empirical process, occupying the liminal space between digital and analogue platforms.

Ill Met By Moonlight takes the painting Totes Meer (1940-41) by Paul Nash as a conceptual point of departure. The wrecked aircraft depicted in Nash’s original painting inform the figurative and geometric motifs that hover in Miller’s new work. An undulating sea of mothballed technology is abstracted through multiple colour separations and layers, suggesting the possibility of infinite tessellation beyond the picture plane.

Ill Met By Moonlight will run until November 31.

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