Lots to sea and do at the Scottish Maritime Museum

A host of activities have been lined up for this summer at the Scottish Maritime Museum.

Based on Irvine Harbourside in North Ayrshire, a variety of extra special events and activities are coming up this month.

Clydebank-born, former shipbuilder turned award-winning artist Tom McKendrick will push the more romantic ideals of life onboard Scottish built cruise liners, the lobster thermidor at the Captain’s table and exotic locations, to the side in a revealing Meet the Artist talk at 2pm on Saturday, 21 July.

Talking in the Linthouse at the Museum on the Harbourside in Irvine, Tom will show archive footage from a BBC documentary before giving his own tongue in cheek yet thought-provoking insight into the grit, danger, toil and mythology of building a mountain out of iron and steel in the shipyards.

Tom McKendrick’s talk, The Second Age of Iron, is part of the Museum’s new series Meet the Artist – Tea, Talk and Tour celebrating the Maritime Perspectives : Collecting Art of a Seafaring Nation art exhibition currently on show.
Other artists who will talk at the Museum over coming months are Sue Jane Taylor, Kate Downie, Will Maclean and James Watt.

Artist Helen Bellany will also give a talk about her life with her partner, the critically acclaimed artist the late John Bellany, whose work is currently on show within the exhibition.

Helen’s talk will take place at 2pm on Saturday 29 September as part of the Tidelines Book Festival.

Artist Laura Frood will hold a Photography Workshop at the Museum on Saturday, 11 August, and Etching Workshop on Saturday, 22 September.

The summer-long Wednesday drop-in art club for children continues with water-based painting in abstract and cubist styles inspired by exhibited artwork Hulls moving West by Stuart MacDonald between 1-3pm on Wednesday, 18 July.

On Wednesday 25 July (1-3pm), everyone will be painting with wax resist inspired by Klondyke by Raymond Murray.

Scottish Maritime Museum Curator of Art Fiona Greer will also lead a curator tour around the Maritime Perspectives art exhibition at 2pm on Tuesday 24 July.

Tickets for ticketed events can be purchased HERE or by telephoning 01294 278283. Entrance to the exhibition is included in the Museum admission.
