Heritage sector generated £4bn for Scotland’s economy

Scotland’s historic environment is continuing to make a strong contribution to the nation’s economy, according to Historic Environment Scotland’s (HES) latest annual report.

Income generated by Scotland’s historic environment sector from 2017 to 2018 has risen to over £4bn, with the growth attributed to increasing tourist numbers, particularly international visitors.

As well as economic value, the Our Place in Time (OPiT) Annual Performance report also outlines the social, cultural and environmental contribution of the historic environment to the nation’s wellbeing, through key performance indicators including boosting education and skills, supporting the voluntary sector and playing a lead role in reducing carbon emissions. The findings of HES’ latest report are as a result of case studies from over 60 organisations working in the historic environment sector.

Jane Ryder, chair of HES, said: ‘This report demonstrates the historic environment sector’s commitment to working collaboratively and in partnership to deliver OPiT’s vision. We’re currently four years into the ten-year strategy and steady progress has been made towards achieving our strategic priorities. Looking ahead, we hope to build on the success of the strategy so far. We will continue to work with partners in the sector to create a flourishing historic environment to ensure future generations can enjoy Scotland’s remarkable assets.’

Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop, added: ‘The delivery of Our Place in Time, Scotland’s first strategy for the historic environment, depends very much on collaboration and partnership working across the historic environment sector and beyond. Many organisations and individuals have contributed to the successes outlined in this report and I would like to thank them and acknowledge their huge contribution to helping care for our precious and unique heritage.

‘We have achieved much since the strategy was launched in 2014. We will continue to build on this success in the years to come as we work together to ensure that Scotland’s historic environment continues to make a strong contribution to Scotland’s culture, economy and wider wellbeing.’

To view the OPiT Annual Performance report 2018, click here.
