A unique Gaelic Festival coming to Tighnabruaich

Tighnabruaich is hosting a unique Gaelic Festival as part of International Gaelic Week and the Year of Storytelling.

Taking place on March 26, this will be a fun-packed family introduction to Scotland’s Gaelic language and heritage.

Special guest presenters and performers include: Gillebride MacMillan of Outlander fame, Àdhamh Ó Broin film and media consultant and champion of Argyll Gaelic and Duncan MacNeill from the Oban Gaelic Furan Centre. Students from the Dunoon Grammar Gaelic Unit and teachers and assistants from local schools are also working with the team.

The programme offers free daytime fun activities for all age groups – Toddlers Bookbug, Schoolkids Drama Workshop , The Walking Theatre, jam sessions for singers and musicians, exhibitions, talks and an All Day café – all set amidst the stunning scenery of the Kyles of Bute.

The festival will finish with a flourish culminating in an evening dinner and ceilidh.

Festival director Andree Hawke said: ‘It has evolved from our small hard-working Festival team drawn from the Heritage Centre and the Gaelic Class, into a community wide effort.

‘The Art Club are exhibiting, local choirs are learning Gaelic songs, volunteers are giving homebaking and staffing the All Day Café, businesses are putting up Gaelic signs, welcoming customers in Gaelic, supporting a children’s Gaelic treasure hunt and selling tickets for the evening meal and ceildh.

‘We are already looking forward to next year’s Festival and scheduling a rolling programme of events throughout the year to build on what we have begun here.

‘A’Ghàidhlig na Tìr Fhèin – Bringing Gaelic Home has been generously sponsored by Bord na Galaidh, The Ragdoll Foundation, The Clan Macewen Society, Argyll and Bute Council and the Tighnabruaich and District Development Trust – also many thanks to the Gaelic Books Council Scotland and the Bradan Press Canada, who have contributed an Artwork Exhibition of modern Gaelic Authors.’
