A Scottish link to the Titanic investigation

The Titanic tragedy in 1912 resulted in an investigation into the deaths of 2229 people who officially were lost in the sinking.

The investigation into what happened has a connection to the London Scottish regiment, as the tragedy on 15 April 1912 resulted in an inquiry by the British Wreck Commissioner on behalf of the British Board of Trade.

The inquiry was overseen by High Court judge Lord Mersey, and was held in London and started in July 1912. The hearings took place mainly at the London Scottish Drill Hall, at 59 Buckingham Gate, London SW1.

There were a total of 42 days of official investigation.

Lord Mersey and the various counsels, assessors and experts in marine law and shipping architecture, questioned White Star Line officials, government officials, surviving passengers and crew, and those who had aided the rescue efforts.

Organisations represented by legal counsels included shipping unions and government organisations.

Nearly 100 witnesses testified, answering more than 25,000 questions. The questioning resulted in a report that contained a detailed description of the ship, an account of the ship’s journey, a description of the damage caused by the iceberg, and an account of the evacuation and rescue.

The final report was published on 30 July 1912. Its recommendations, along with those of the earlier United States Senate inquiry that had taken place in the month after the sinking, led to changes in safety practices following the disaster.

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