Scots author has the Devil investigate crimes

A Scots writer’s new book has a devilish slant to it.

Jonathan Whitelaw, from Glasgow, is delighted to launched The Man in the Dark, a sequel to the bestselling HellCorp. His debut novel was the critically acclaimed Morbid Relations.

There’s another mystery to solve – a woman kidnapped by terrorists and the world trying to find her. While he hates doing God’s bidding, The Devil can’t resist trying to put one over on Him. But nothing is ever that simple. While The Devil helps the London cops crack the case, there’s trouble in the Underworld. And two of humanity’s greatest backstabbers – Brutus and Cassius – are sharpening their knives with an eye on stealing his crown. It’s a race against time to find the girl, be the bad guy and maybe stop the apocalypse.

Jonathan said: ‘I’m delighted that The Devil is making a return to the pages. You can’t keep a bad guy down for long and he’s the baddest of the lot! The Man in the Dark shows a different side to Old Nick, one that people might not be familiar with.

‘While he’d gotten his own way for thousands of years, suddenly there are new, albeit thousands of years old, kids on the block in the form of Brutus and Cassius.

‘Looking at how someone like The Devil would cope with that, being replaced at what he does, was really fascinating and, above all else, a joy to write! And with all the real life topsy-turvy goings on, political backstabbing, power plays and global upheaval, sometimes fact can be stranger than fiction.’

An author, journalist and broadcaster who has worked on the frontline of Scottish politics, he has covered breaking news, the arts, culture and sport, fashion, music and even radioactive waste – with everything in between. He’s also a regular reviewer and talking head on shows for the BBC and STV.

Jonathan’s new novel is perfect for all fans of TV series Lucifer, Ben Aaranovitch and Christopher Fowler’s Bryant and May series.
