Creating a cosy sanctuary at home with coorie

Following the publication of The Art of Coorie, the Scottish concept emerged as the standout lifestyle trend of 2018.

A ‘coorie home’ is defined as ‘the place where one lives in contentment and conviviality; most especially a pleasant haven from the wild Scottish elements’.

In this book, Beth Pearson explores the art of creating an irresistibly cosy sanctuary from the outside world in a specifically Scottish context. Starting with entranceways, Pearson examines interiors, communal living, hospitality, gardens and everything in between.

From recipes for ‘carrot cake porridge’ to no-sew draft excluders, all I want to do is curl up in a blanket and read this informative and fresh take on all that home means.

The Coorie Home: Beautiful Scottish Living, by Beth Pearson, published by Black and White, £14.99

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