Book review: Rousay Remembered by Tom Lennie

What’s the story?

Tom Lennie shares the stories his mother, Phebe Marwick once told him of her childhood, growing up in the Wasbister district of Rousay during the interwar years. Phebe recounts times when grocer-vans and ambulances were drawn by horse, take a step back in time and throw yourself into live on one of Orkney’s northern isles.


The book is undeniably humbling and a complete feel good read. The stories are short and sweet which make for easy reading and not a book which requires full concentration. The illustrations work well throughout and compliment the snippets perfectly. The use of Scottish language is great and really rounds of the theme.


The book may only be for a required taste but that does not mean it would not be enjoyed by many. The book is not completely gripping but it does not mean to be, it can be dipped in and out of, making it a good coffee table book.


Readers of many ages would enjoy this, whether from an older generation so they can use the book as a chance to remember their youth, or younger readers who can get a taste for what life was like back then.

Click below to read a sample chapter

Rousay Remembered – samples


Overall I think the book is thoroughly enjoyable and what Tom Lennie has managed to achieve is inspiring. A great book.

Rousay Remembered, by Tom Lennie, £12.50, published by Intrepid Books.

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