Book review – Castles and Galleys by Paul Martin

Castles and Galleys has a subtitle of A Reassessment of the Historic Galley-Castles of the Norse-Gaelic Seaways.

Whether you’re a history expert or just want to learn about Scotland’s historic castles and galleys, this comprehensive collection of papers provides in-depth analysis on how they functioned and interacted throughout the centuries.

After holding a conference alongside Historic Scotland and the late Ian MacNeil of Barra, the Islands Book Trust has brought together a range of insightful papers written by leading experts.

An educational read, this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s brimming with ancient facts that would appeal to historical book worms.

A Reassessment of the Historic Galley-Castles of the Norse-Gaelic Seaways, by Paula Martin, published by the Islands Book Trust.

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